IoT-Based Real-Time Solar Power Monitoring System for Solar Plants

IoT-Based Real-Time Solar Power Plant Monitoring System: Management & Control

Real Time Solar Monitoring, Weather Sensors, DG-PV Controller, Zero Export, Solar Scada

We are technology experts in the field of real-time solar power monitoring systems for Rooftop and Ground Mounted solar power plants. Remote Monitoring System in solar plants is a highly potential platform to ensure the performance of the installed solar plant. PowerAMR remote / IoT based interactive platform, rules & alarms engine combined with advanced analytics helps maximise the solar yield and is highly useful for key stakeholders such as asset owners, site operators and maintenance team.

Connects all solar Assets

iot device for solar plant management

Interactive Dashboard

Integrated plant control & management through web portal/ mobile app. Performance overview of site

Rules & Alarm Engine

Get alerts via SMS & email on any fault & data anomalies. Improves plant uptime & maximize PR

Advanced Analytics

Deep analysis of underperforming plants. Benchmarking based on relative output, proactive failure detection

Eager to know more about the unique features of our Solar IoT Platform ?

Key Deliverables

Track performance

Real time

Spot and predict failures


Provide proactive maintenance- reduce O&M cost by


Increase generation efficiency


Energy Saving through identification of underforming plants

Giving you a full control over your system without actually being present


Management Dashboard

Key Outcomes

  • Management & Control of Multiplant Portfolio from a single dashboard
  • Provides actionable insights to Management


  • Compare multiple plants across technology and various parameters on single dashboard
solar management dashboard

Technical Dashboard


  • Plant, inverter and string wise comparative
  • System efficiency

Key Outcomes

  • High level overview of Plant
  • Performance Summary of Plant
  • Quickly drill down to inverter, string and device level
solar management technical dashboard

Weather Dashboard

Key Outcomes

  • Track weather conditions of plant
  • Helps to predict generation losses & get alerts for maintenance
  • Integrates with all makes and models of weather station


  • Captures weather parameters like wind speed & direction, Humidity, air and module temperature, Air Pressure
  • Solar Irradiation v/s Power v/s PR curves.
solar management weather dashboard

Analytics & Custom Alerts

Key Outcomes

  • Overall Performance Management of the Plant
  • Helps identify underperforming plants with reasons


  • Allows multiple graph view on single dashboard
  • Reporting of Critical Health parameter
  • Selectable Parameter Comparison of devices of same/ different plant
solar management analytics and custom alerts

Generation Analysis

Key Outcomes

  • Complete Energy reporting of plant
  • Energy trends v/s expected generation


  • Daily, weekly and flexi period energy reporting
  • Energy analysis and comparatives of transformer, Solar meter, net meter
solar management generation analysis

Power Control

zero export

Zero Export

On sites with no Net Metering, the Power output of inverters is throttled to optimize total energy generation for captive consumption and enforce zero export of energy to the grid.

DG synchronization

DG Synchronization

Smartly Distributes the total demanded load between Solar and DG in such way that the DG runs at the minimum possible load

power control

Mobile App

Access all plants through touch of your mobile

Key Outcomes

  • Instant online and offline access
  • Push notifications and instant updates
  • Branding and Design for your Company
  • Generation improvement & Cost reduction
solar management mobile app by poweramr

Compatible with 100+ Brands

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