Simplify data collection and analysis at the Edge for Smart Energy applications
Our smart metering applicationsupports many legacy and standards-based industry/utility protocols as well as new IoT protocols for field data acquisition and supports enhanced connectivity upto the Head end and scalable upto million meters.
A common challenge faced by the industry is the need for an integrated metering protocol framework that is capable of performing across diverse customer platforms. LogicsPowerAMR has leveraged its expertise to develop a metering protocol integration framework that can be customized to integrate diverse standard protocols such as DLMS, IEC-104, Modbus along with proprietary protocols. With an efficient interface and a modular design, the framework is designed to optimize use of memory and resources.
MDM is a single repository of all meter data. This system is designed based on open standards. MDM system manage huge data from current meters & future smart meters. MDM exchanges data with various other systems.
Representative architecture diagram shows MDM systems various modules, data imports from various systems direct/though files and data exchange with other third party systems.