Water Flow Monitoring System: Wireless IoT Flow Meter Management Devices

Groundwater & Flow Meter Monitoring with Wireless IoT Devices

Water Flow Measurement, Water Level Monitoring, Water Quality

Logics PowerAMR offers a wide variety of systems and sensors for unattended, long-term monitoring of water level, water flow, flow meter, temperature, and water quality. Key components of our water level measurement systems are IoT based smart dataloggers, sensors, and communications devices, which can be customized for each site

Further, The Gazette of India dated 24-Sep-2020 mandates all industries to have a telemetry system for monitoring groundwater level and extraction, as per NOC terms. Logics PowerAMR being a leader in IoT based telemetry systems, can help you with this.

Water flow monitoring

Smartly Manage your Water Infrastructure

Logics PowerAMRIoT Platform helps manage water data to help water authorities & departments to smartly manage water flow, pumping operations, water quality to reduce leakages, system downtimes, pilferages & monetary losses. We also provide smart IoT gateways to enable wireless sensor data acquisition.

Save time and money with the best quality IoT platform for flow meter monitoring offered by Logics PowerAMR.
Log in @ http://flow.poweramr.in/Login/Login

Water flow monitoring

Key Applications

Automated Water Metering

Perform Automated Meter Reading and automate the generation of bills.

Water Supply Analysis

Remotely monitor, analyze, get daily reports of the water flow, pressure, flow rate.

Ground Water Monitoring

Centrally monitor the operations, Groundwater extraction, level and quality.

Key Features

Central Repository

Centrally monitor the operations, analyse the efficiency and smartly automate the instruments, sensors, SCADA, water testing labs, and other sources.

Alerts and notifications

Alerts and notifications via email, SMS and mobile push notification to make in case of any anomalies.

API Integration

API integration with third party platforms for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for automated compliance reporting.

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